Answer: UFOS
UFOS is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 257 times.
Referring Clues:
- ET carriers
- E.T. vehicles
- Abduction sites, supposedly
- Saucers, maybe
- Eerie sightings
- Unaccounted-for radar blips
- Subjects of a U.S. Air Force cover-up?
- Abductors' craft, some say
- Roswell sightings
- ET's transports
- Govt. secrets?
- Tabloid fliers
- Ships to a far-off place?
- Some blinking lights, for short
- ETs' ships
- Some streaking lights, briefly
- Sci-fi fliers
- Strange sightings
- Sci-fi sightings
- Fantastic craft
- Sightings the U.S.A.F. may investigate
- ET transporters
- Sky lights?
- Project Blue Book subject
- "The X-Files" fodder
- They're encountered in "close encounters"
- They travel very long distances
- Alien craft
- Aliens' craft, for short
- Potential hoax subjects
- They're involved in some reported abductions
- E.T. transports, perhaps
- Saucers in the sky
- Flying saucers
- Pies in the sky?
- E.T.s' crafts, maybe
- Roswell "sightings"
- Sci-fi saucers
- ET transports
- Tabloid saucers
- Tabloid topics
- Night lights?
- Fleet from far away
- "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" sightings
- Saturn vehicles?
- Roswell sightings, briefly
- What humans came to Earth in, according to Raelians
- Crafts for crop circle crafters?
- Pluto platters?
- Sky line creators, perhaps
- Mysterious hoverers
- Hovering saucers, maybe
- Space opera crafts
- Martians' ships, for short
- Subject of Project Blue Book
- Sci-fi hoverers
- Scary sightings
- Strange hoverers
- Sci-fi ships
- Aerial enigmas
- WWII foo fighters, e.g.
- Ships from space, briefly
- Unsettling sightings
- Sci-fi craft
- "The X-Files" sightings
- Tabloid hoverers
- ''X-Files'' subjects
- Sci-fi vehicles
- Sci-fi sightings: Abbr.
- Sci-fi vehicles: Abbr.
- Sci-fi transport
- Sci-fi staples
- USAF coinage of '52
- Craft for 73 Across
- Tabloid subjects, sometimes
- Extraterrestrials' fleet
- Abduction vehicles, supposedly
- Tabloid subjects, often
- Strange sky lights
- Abductors' crafts, some say
- Oft-blurred images?
- Sci-fi sights
- Some strange sightings
- Some unexplained sightings
- Mercury or Saturn vehicles?
- Eerie sightings, briefly
- Unexplained sightings
- Tabloid subjects
- Some saucers
- Sites for some abductees
- "X-Files "investigations
- Weather balloons, to some viewers
- What E.T.s travel in
- Area 51 sightings
- Pilot's sightings
- "Independence Day" fleet
- Close-encounter crafts
- Alien fleet
- Sci-fi crafts
- Mysterious sightings
- Far away fleet?
- Fleet from far away?
- Subject of some faked photos
- Strange craft
- Sci-fi sky sights
- Strange things floating around
- "X-Files" subjects
- Fleet from afar
- Subjects of some supposed government cover-ups
- Fuzzily photographed craft
- Extraterrestrial vehs.
- Astounding Stories subjects
- Foreign visitors
- E.T. carriers, theoretically
- Wormhole ships
- Alleged Roswell sightings
- Sci-fi subjects
- Area 51 holdings, supposedly
- Area 51 phenomena
- Aerial anomalies
- Saucers without cups?
- Sci-fi film vehicles
- Sci-fi film vehicles
- Faraway fleet?
- Venusian vessels?
- Fleet from outer space?
- X-file topics
- Sky sightings
- Hover crafts?
- Venusian fleet?
- Venusian fleet
- Fleet from far off?
- Faraway fleet
- Sci-fi fleet
- Extraterrestrial fleet?
- Extraterrestrial spacecraft
- Alien bearers
- Alien ships
- Alien crafts
- 'X-Files' sightings
- Airborne anomalies
- ETs' rides
- They're seen but not recognized
- Strange sky sightings: Abbr.
- Sci-fi space vehicles
- Subjects of sightings
- Mysterious aerial sightings
- Saucers in the air
- Sci-fi saucers: Abbr.
- Meteors, at times
- Vehicles in some close encounters, for short
- ET vehicles
- Fleet from faraway?
- Ets' transportation
- Space saucers, briefly
- Mysterious sky sightings, for short
- Crop circle makers, supposedly
- Certain saucers
- Space saucers
- Some sky lights, to some
- Some conspiracy subjects
- Roswell craft
- Usually fuzzy tabloid pics
- Enigmatic sightings
- Sci-fi airships
- Topic of the USAF's Project Blue Book
- 1999 Richard Belzer book, "___, JFK, and Elvis"
- What weather balloons may be mistaken for
- Some flashes in the sky, perhaps
- Subjects of some 911 calls
- ETs pilot them
- Strange sky sightings
- Some vehicles in sci-fi movies
- Sci-fi film staples
- Fantastic Adventures topics
- Celestial sightings
- Hard-to-explain vehicles
- Aliens' craft
- Acronym for sky watchers
- ETs' vehicles
- Radar anomalies
- Abductees' destinations, in some hard-to-believe stories
- Sci-fi transports
- Tabloid craft
- "Did I just see that?" things
- Alleged visitors
- Subjects of a top-secret government cover-up, some believe
- Controversial hoverers
- Hover craft?
- Sci-fi vehicles, for short
- Air Force enigmas
- Mysterious sightings that hover
- Things in some tabloid pics
- Supposedly seen saucers
- Vehicles that aliens supposedly travel in
- Supernatural tabloid fodder
- Strange vessels that take up space?
- Old tabloid fodder
- Controversial sightings
- Unexplained sightings, for short
- Area 51 phenomena ... or what five puzzle answers are?
- Tabloid staples
- E.T. carriers
- Sky saucers
- Flying saucers, e.g.
- Subjects of a Roswell museum
- Subjects of some fuzzy photos, for short
- Sci-fi saucers, for short
- Saucers in 9 Across novels
- Hovering craft
- Weird ships
- Mysterious sky sightings: Abbr.
- Unexplained vehicles
- Foreign dishes?
- Saucers from space, for short
- Eerie fliers
- Strange sightings, for short
- Overhead mysteries
- Crafts in a "close encounter of the third kind"
- E.T.s' transports
- Tabloids hoverers
- Mysterious sci-fi ships
- ET vehicles, in theory
- "Close Encounters" hoverers, briefly
- Some people believe swamp gas causes them, for short
- Spooky aerial sightings
- Some 61 Across creators, for short
- Subjects of some eerie videos
- Causes of some 911 calls
- Sci-fi flyers
- Intergalactic vehicles
- Ships passing in the night?
- Vehicles in some tabloid photos
- Vehicles for aliens, perhaps
- Interplanetary craft, for short
- Causes of some mysterious radar blips, in brief
- Alien transports
- Vehicles for ETs
- Sci-fi conveyances
- SETI subjects
- Some fuzzy tabloid pics
- Alien conveyances
- Airborne mysteries
- ETs' transports
- Phenomena in "Mars Attacks!" and "Arrival," briefly
- 59-Down carriers
- Mysterious sky sightings
- Popular tabloid subjects
- Focus of the U.S.A.F.'s Project Blue Book (1952-1969)
- Sightings of them can be reported on the Enigma app
- ETs' spacecrafts
- Typically, they turn out to be military aircraft
- They're out of this world
- ET rides
- Subjects of Project Blue Book
- "Arrival" vehicles, for short
- Mysterious blips
Last Seen In:
- LA Times - March 09, 2025
- New York Times - December 09, 2024
- USA Today - September 27, 2024
- LA Times - September 27, 2024
- LA Times - August 27, 2024
- New York Times - August 01, 2024
- LA Times - July 21, 2024
- New York Times - July 19, 2024
- New York Times - June 28, 2024
- LA Times - June 18, 2024
- New York Times - June 16, 2024
- LA Times - May 17, 2024
- USA Today - March 28, 2024
- LA Times - March 24, 2024
- New York Times - February 29, 2024
- New York Times - February 22, 2024
- USA Today - January 12, 2024
- New York Times - October 15, 2023
- USA Today - July 05, 2023
- LA Times - July 02, 2023
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