Answer: OVA
OVA is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 326 times.
Referring Clues:
- Gametes
- Fertility clinic needs
- Lab eggs
- Fertilization sites
- Eggs
- In vitro items
- They're fertilized
- Reproductive cells
- Egg cells
- Macrogametes
- Female gametes
- Some ducts carry them
- Reproduction needs
- They pass through tubes
- Sites of many divisions
- Seeds
- Spawn
- Fertility clinic stock
- Contents of some sacs
- They can be fertilized
- Oologists' studies
- What some surrogates get
- Caesar's salad ingredients?
- Cells for women only
- Reproduction necessities
- Some germ cells
- Fertility matters
- Plant gametes
- Women's cells
- Fertility clinic collection
- Lab cells
- Reproductive needs
- Eggs, biologically
- Necessities for pregnancies
- Some cells
- Eggs, in bio labs
- They're fertile
- Eggs, to biologists
- Certain cells
- Things laid by a gallina
- Oocytes, eventually
- Future aves?
- Fraternal twins come from two different ones
- Fertilization targets
- They grow when fertilized
- Large cells
- Largest cells in the human body
- Eggs, in labs
- Donations at some clinics
- Results of oogenesis
- Fertility clinic supply
- Things in tubes
- Fertilized things
- Eggs in labs
- Uniters with 51-Down
- Some modern donations
- Eggs in a lab
- They travel through tubes
- Items in Caesar's omelet?
- Eggs benedictus?
- Ingredients in Caesar's salad?
- Breakfast of centurions?
- Breakfast for Brutus?
- Female cells
- Some gametes
- Eggs, to a biologist
- Eggs, to Caesar
- Eggs, scientifically
- How the Kennedys have always liked their eggs?
- Breakfast of gladiators?
- They go down the tubes
- Eggs of science
- Aves lay them
- Eggs, to a scientist
- Sex cells?
- Certain gametes
- Romans' roe
- Round gametes
- Part of Caesar's breakfast?
- Eggs in old Rome
- Breakfast for Brutus
- Fertility lab eggs
- Sperm targets
- In vitro cells
- Eggs, to Agrippa
- They travel through fallopian tubes
- "Virent ___! Viret Perna!!" (Latin version of "Green Eggs and Ham")
- Dizygosity twosome
- Some progametes, eventually
- Fallopian tube traversers
- Biochemists study them
- Fertilizable cells
- Fertility clinic cells
- Topic of reproductive technology
- Large gametes
- Haploid cells
- Fallopian tube travelers
- 56-Down, biologically
- Things that go through tubes
- Oft-donated cells
- Caesar's eggs
- Breakfast for Caesar?
- Fertility clinic inventory
- Roman roe
- Roe
- Eggs: Lat.
- Anatomical eggs
- Biologist's eggs
- Biological eggs
- Chromosome carriers
- Avis output
- Eggs, in a lab
- Potential progeny
- Future embryos
- Ovoid objects, to Romans
- Cato's eggs
- Eggs, in old Rome
- What aves produce
- Eggs fit for Caesar
- Omelette ingredients for Julius
- Romans' caviar
- Offspring in the offing
- In vitro items, perhaps
- Fish spawn
- Cato's omelet material
- Unhatched aves
- They're fertilized in biology
- Fertility lab stock
- Caesar's morning meal?
- Roman's roe
- Eggs, in biology
- What aves lay
- Breakfast for Brutus, perhaps
- Eggs, to Augustus
- Fertility clinic specimens
- Fertility clinic samples
- Mature female germ cells
- Fertility clinic donations
- Twins, once
- Eggs, in biology labs
- Certain fertility clinic specimens
- Starts of some reproductions
- Eggs, in biology class
- They travel down fallopian tubes
- Ooplasm containers
- Future fish
- Caviar
- Roe, to Romans
- Eventual "aves"
- "Avis" output
- How Bostonians like their eggs?
- Potential embryos
- Contents of some ducts
- Russian name ending
- 33 Across group, long ago
- Gametogenesis results, sometimes
- Cells contributing to the need for a Lamaze class
- Breakfast item in old Rome?
- Future fauna, frequently
- Caviar actually
- They're laid by aves
- They may be fertilized in vitro
- Eggs for Lucullus
- Eventual aves
- Fertility clinic topic
- Fertility-clinic topic
- Eggs, to Nero
- 47-Across, e.g.
- Future aves
- Roe, e.g.
- Caviar, essentially
- 57-Across, to Brutus
- Eggs, zoologically
- 39-Across, to Caesar
- Eggs (Latin)
- Eggs, formally
- Embryo sources
- Beginnings of embryos
- IVF stock
- Some tubes carry them
- Czech surname suffix
- Fish-to-be
- Biological duct travelers
- Fertilized cells
- Egg cells (which are broken 3 times in this puzzle)
- Tiny tube travelers
- Tube travelers?
- Largest human cells
- Oospheres, say
- Plural of 26-Across
- Latin 47-Down
- Genetic lab eggs
- Eggs in a clinic
- Eggs, to Ovid
- Two of these are needed to produce fraternal twins
- Unhatched aves?
- Caviar, always
- Eggs in fertility clinics
- Beginnings of life
- Future embryos, perhaps
- Maturation formations
- Reproductive gametes
- Sex-ed topic
- Eggs, to eggheads
- An avis lays them
- Eggs, in a biology lab
- Halves of zygotes
- Lab subjects
- Donated eggs?
- Eggs, fancily
- Fertility lab supply
- Caesar's breakfast order, perhaps
- Some duct contents
- Eggs, to Livy
- Eggs, in 2-Down
- Important union members?
- Donations for life?
- Eggs in bio labs
- Nero's breakfast, perhaps
- In vitro needs
- Egg cell
- Eggs of old Rome
- Lots of 15-Across
- Fertility clinic eggs
- Womb occupants-to-be
- Roman eggs
- Breakfast food for Cato
- Eggs, to some
- Eggs, formerly
- Breakfast items for Nero
- Ovid's eggs
- Eggs for Caesar
- A dozen eggs, in a lab
- Eggs in a biology lab
- Breakfast for Nero?
- Eggs for Caesar's salad
- Latin eggs
- Latin for "eggs"
- 42-Down, to biologists
- The origin of species?
- Scientist's eggs
- Future chicks, to a nerd
- Genetic lab supplies
- Things zygotes come from
- Nero's eggs
- Eggs in clinics
- Egg of old Rome
- Egg
- Livy's egg
- Eggs in a science lab
- Some cells for women
- Seeds in a lab
- Seeds, scientifically
- Ingredients in a Caesar salad, to Caesar?
- Eggs, in ancient Rome
- Female gamete
- Cells for new generations
- They're fertilized, in biology
- What avis lay
- Scientific eggs
- Eggs in a fertility clinic
- Fertility lab needs
- Vital things in fertility labs
- Reproductive cell
- Genetic lab materials
- Spermatozoa targets
- Follicles have them
- Fancy eggs
- Avis laying?
- Eggs in fertility labs
- Avis products
- What avis make
- Eggs, fancy
- Avis production
- Peruvian plant
- Lucullus' eggs
- Inventory at a fertility clinic
- Part of a 31-Down omelet?
- Ones going down the tubes?
- Donations to certain clinics
- Food for upper-class ancient Romans
- Avis eggs
- "Origines avium"
- 28-Across doubled and fancy
- Avis' laying?
- Monthly travelers?
- Eggs, fancified
- Eggs, in science class
- In vitro fertility needs
- In vitro supply
- Eggs for fertilization
- Cells joined by other cells
- Eggs in a petri dish
- Eggs Florentine, once?
- In vitro fertilization needs
- Some reproductive cells
- Parts of zygotes
- 7-Across, to Brutus
- Potential starts of new generations
- Monthly releases of a sort
- IVF cells
- Future zygotes
- Large reproductive cells
- Fertility lab cells
- Ingredients in Caesar's salads?
- Things sometimes frozen
- Some women's donations
- Eggs in a fertility lab
- Human eggs
- Fertility clinic collections
- Eggs, in Latin
- Eggs that can be frozen
- Some cryobank deposits
- Some sex cells
- Laboratory eggs
- Next-generation releases?
- Eggs in Caesar's salad?
- Some bank deposits
- Sex education subject
- Products of oogenesis
- Supply at an I.V.F. clinic
- Fertility doctor's focus
- Eggs at an I.V.F. clinic
- Egg donor's donations
- Oogenesis products
- Needs for in vitro fertilization
Last Seen In:
- LA Times - March 05, 2025
- New York Times - March 03, 2025
- LA Times - January 31, 2025
- USA Today - January 24, 2025
- New York Times - January 21, 2025
- LA Times - January 16, 2025
- LA Times - January 11, 2025
- New York Times - December 17, 2024
- New York Times - December 16, 2024
- LA Times - December 08, 2024
- New York Times - November 25, 2024
- USA Today - November 22, 2024
- New York Times - September 27, 2024
- New York Times - August 18, 2024
- New York Times - August 16, 2024
- USA Today - August 06, 2024
- New York Times - August 03, 2024
- LA Times - July 25, 2024
- New York Times - July 18, 2024
- LA Times - July 08, 2024
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